Anthro wolf, fox, cat

  • June 14, 2017
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: MirceaKitsune
  • License: CC-0
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I have created this set of anthro characters, based on the wolf model published by Untied Verbeger. It includes three female characters: A wolf, a fox, and a cat. I've optimized the anatomy materials and particles for a quality and feel aimed at resembling big production films. Special features include color maps, allowing fur hair and eye colors to be easily modified from within the material settings.

This model is licensed under the CC0 license. Untied Verbeger created the original model, texture, blend file. MirceaKitsune did various cleanups and improvements, as well as the multiple species variants.

  • Untied Verbeger:
  • MirceaKitsune:
  • Original submission:

Notice: This model contains realistic anatomy, including breasts and genitalia. If you are bothered by this sort of thing, this blend might not be for you.


  • Blobbyland profile picture

    For anyone who's wondering, to reveal the hidden bones in the armature, you have to click on the armature in object mode and go the object data (person symbol) and highlight all the lasers with dots in them near the top.

    Written June 16, 2017
  • MirceaKitsune profile picture

    Yes; I only left the main pose bones visible by default, which control the actual bones of the rig. You might want to enable the face rig and finger groups additionally, as they need to be animated manually.

    Written June 19, 2017
  • swordsd profile picture

    oh my done, tried rendering this on my gpu gtx970 but i didn't have enough memory plz fix. feels bad man xD im gunna try and find out why this is taking so much Vram.

    Written June 18, 2017
  • swordsd profile picture

    nvm i was trying to render all 3 at the same time. xD also.... dat puss tho... and wheres the one with the penis? what if i want to make some steamy furry ECCHI! #fakkulife

    Written June 18, 2017
  • MirceaKitsune profile picture

    Enable Simplify in the scene settings panel, then set Child Particles to a lower value (I recommend 0.5). The huge amount of RAM at render time is caused by the number of child particles, which I tried optimizing but many are required for good results. A single character should take around 3.4GB of memory during the BVH preparation phase, you should only render all three if you have at least 10GB of memory.

    Male bits are an addition I've actually considered for a future update. I will see when I get around to it, alongside a few other tweaks and improvements I didn't have time for in this release.

    Written June 19, 2017
  • RUMBA profile picture

    they look so cool!! :)

    Written January 21, 2018
  • RockinFoxy69xoxo profile picture

    Thank you, there are wonderful. :D

    Written August 15, 2019
  • OATHOFFICIAL profile picture

    lol weird fetish but okay

    Written March 19, 2021
  • Jorick_Sephis profile picture

    Did the male version of these ever happen?

    Written July 20, 2021
  • MirceaKitsune profile picture

    There's an upcoming update which redoes this model and will contain massive improvements. Not sure if I'll post it here as well but yes it will also contain a male version (and not only lol).

    Written August 16, 2021
  • Jorick_Sephis profile picture

    Oh wow, I actually got a response! That's pretty dope. I just have two questions: Where would they be posted and will they come with clothing? Cause I really suck at modelling clothing.

    Written August 23, 2021
  • MirceaKitsune profile picture

    Clothing is a feature I considered implementing: Problem is there's so many possible styles I can't think of an equally customizable way to do it, especially when I use fur particles which I'd want dynamically cut based on clothing. As for where I'm planning to post it, presently it's up on my Patreon for subscribers... once it's more ready I'm going to put it on at least, given that with certain additions I made I'm unsure if Blendswap would still be okay with it :)

    Written October 03, 2021
  • MrPigeon70 profile picture

    so i didnt read the des and now i got more than i bargained for

    Written January 01, 2022
  • Krena profile picture

    Your characters are cool. They are similar to the character in trap the cat. You can join and compare them. They are so exciting.

    Written August 07, 2023
  • manopreto profile picture

    Nice Work. Thanks

    Written September 28, 2023