I make this model for a request if you need to use it feel free to do it!
Hello, I used your model here. I credit you giving this URL on Blendswap object and give also the creative common licence. Thank you !!!
Here is the picture: https://pre00.deviantart.net/f860/th/pre/f/2018/077/0/f/le_monde_selon_monsanto_by_silentladygta-dc69ah2.png
Hello, I used your model here. I credit you giving this URL on Blendswap object and give also the creative common licence. Thank you !!!
Here is the picture: https://pre00.deviantart.net/f860/th/pre/f/2018/077/0/f/le_monde_selon_monsanto_by_silentladygta-dc69ah2.png