Adjustable Automatic Dirt and Wear

  • August 03, 2017
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: marcdraco
  • License: CC-0
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A node setup for those times you just need to put dirt into corners and/or wear on sharp edges.

This one is slightly different in that it takes an "ubershader" approach but breaks it into manageable blocks. In fact, takes shaders - any valid shader - as its inputs (simple dielectric surfaces are provided as part of the blend).

"Dirt & dust" produces a tuneable mix where so you can drop an colour of dirt and grime into tight corners.

"Highpoint wear" allows you to add areas where paint has been removed. For things where light might pass through, you can feed an emission shader.

Both effects can be adjusted from a subtle to fairly large amounts - but exactly how much you will need depends on the model.

The nodes come with their own mix shaders so you can chain as many of them together as you need - allowing you to add several levels of rubbing wear if you so choose - the sort of thing you might see as paint is rubbed away to reveal undercoat which covers a metal...


  • softpixel profile picture

    Great setup!

    Written January 19, 2022