Royal sledge, L'Elan number 43

  • August 10, 2017
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: geoffreymarchal
  • License: CC-BY-NC
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Royal sledge, L'Elan number 43, manufactured by Binder Frere coachbuilders, Paris, royal court of Belgium (?), 1864-1905, wood, metal, fabric and leather. Made with ReMake and ReCap from AutoDesk.

The dark green box, in the shape of a shell, is bordered with a golden molding representing laurels and adorned with royal crowns. The prow, carved in the form of a golden lion, is preceded by a large leather snow guard. The interior trim, as well as the coachman's seat, are dressed in bronze green silk velvet with gilt braid. On the skates, one notices the wooden foot protectors furnished with fur. The Binder brothers, renowned Parisian coachbuilders, exhibited vehicles in Brussels in 1897.

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