Jason with the Golden Fleece

  • November 02, 2017
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: geoffreymarchal
  • License: CC-BY-NC
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Jason with the Golden Fleece (A52), (1803), Bertel Thorvaldsen (1770 - 1844), made in Rome, marble, height: 242 cm. Thorvaldsen museum (Copenhagen, Denmark). Made with ReMake and ReCap from AutoDesk.

Jason with the Golden Fleece was Thorvadsen breakthrough work, and it made his name in Roman cultural circles in the early 19th century. It is said that the English art collector, writer, banker, and connoisseur Thomas Hope saw the statue in plaster in Thorvaldsen sutido close to the Palazzo Barberini and immediately ordered it to be re-created in marble.

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  • DrunkBeatz profile picture

    Hi Geoffrey!

    I think your statue is super nice - I would like to use in for the website www.drunkbeatz.com which Im doing with my twin brother - we wanna build a 3D-room in which u can walk around and depending on which object you look at listen to 3 different instrumentals.

    I wanted to ask you if we could use your statue for this kind of room? Because the blender website says that the license is not for commercial purposes and our website also features a player where you can buy the beats - so in the end its also a commercial website (although the room itself is more of an arty aspect and you can listen to all the beats completely for free).

    So if it would be possible for you to allow us to work with the statue I could also offer you some beats in exchange (if you like them) or also some money - just as you think.

    If not, also totally cool ;P just wanted to get in touch and alsolet you know that I really appreciate the statue, its epic and elegant looking - really good work.

    Greets from Berlin!


    Written December 03, 2017
  • luca473+blend@gmail.com profile picture

    Thanks you very much

    Written January 28, 2024