This is a simple model based on Stranger Things season 1 TV series. Has Rigging and simple skin texture.
Thank you for the posts, I missed packing it.
UPDATED: Audio Animation
Sorry not sure why you were getting the wrong file. I double checked and it is downloading the correct files.
Thank you for your post.
Okay, it does have the rigged Demogorgon on my end but it seems like you forgot to pack the textures/images.
Thank you, I packed the file correctly now and should contain all textures/images along with the new audio files for the animation.
Thank you for the comments. Still new to this and I missed packing it.
This is terrible display it more all you get is a silhouette of a demogorgon, then its textures are terrible, ,shading is terrible!!!NOT what I was expecting!!!
What happened? the blend file is not the same as the depiction. The file contains a female character by InflameDavid.