Cycles Procedural Oak Floor Shader

  • November 10, 2017
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: sizzler
  • License: CC-BY
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I've been attempting this one for a while, but I finally made a wood floor shader using my Red Oak shader. I used the solution from this question at Blender StackExchange for part of the shader's logic, so I'm very appreciative of that community!

One cool/interesting part of this shader that is different from other floor shaders is that it doesn't use a color overlay for the variations in the planks; the color variation comes from the Oak shader itself.

A couple of notes:
1. To get the shader to look nice on the shader ball, I set the PatternScale to 0.25. For a standard floor at scale it should be set to 2.0.
2. The values for Plank-X(Y,Z)-Ratio will make planks roughly 2" x 20" (with the above mentioned scale of 2.0). However, the -Ratios are NOT dimensions; this is a coincidence, and set for my home's floor plank sizes. The -Ratios are related to the scale of the texture on the surface, as well as the relative dimensions of the plank. Note that X is 1 and Y is 10, which means the plank is 10x as long as it is wide. I.e., the ratio of width-to-height is 1:10. If you set both the X- and Y-Ratios to 1, you get perfectly square boards. Values below 1 will give odd patterns, and keep the Y-Ratio larger than the X-Ratio for best results.

Anyway, please feel free to use with Attribution, and dive in to see the shader network if you dare to tweak any values. It's a bit messy because it uses multiple transformations of the Oak shader to get variation in the planks.

See the second image for an example of the shader on a floor. Cheers!


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