Menger Sponge, Four Level

  • December 21, 2017
  • 1 Like
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: ScreamingOrange
  • License: CC-0
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This is a four level Menger Sponge. Made completely in Blender. I made it because all the models I found online were in other formats, and importing them often left much to be desired. Completely public domain... use them however you wish.


  • swordsd profile picture

    there is already a plugin in default blender you can enable to make these of any level.

    Edited December 21, 2017
  • ScreamingOrange profile picture

    There sure is. I never noticed it before. Oh, well. OTOH, my 4-level has 54k fewer vertices and 56k fewer faces than the one that the plug-in creates. It was a fun project in any case. Maybe I'll upload my Sierpinski gasket... I don't see one of them in Blender.

    Written January 13, 2018