Sci-Fi Slums

  • March 28, 2018
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: Aryn
  • License: CC-0
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Hai, Blendpeople. Here's a little sci-fi scene with some trailers re-purposed as housing. Everything in the scene is kept fairly low-poly, so it can be used for a greater number of projects. It may also be useful to learn about different types of modifiers from the examples presented here. The textures in the scene are mine (photographed or drawn). As usual, there's no need to give any credit, but I'm always excited to hear about how you incorporate it into your own projects!


  • comvid profile picture

    Hey, I am more of a quiet user here. But this set is awesome and deserves more attention! Keep up the great work. I might use parts of this for gamedev! Are all the textures used CC0?

    Written February 27, 2019
  • Aryn profile picture

    Thank you! I would be thrilled you used parts of it in a game and would love to see it (if it happens). Yes, the textures of all my blends are all my own (photographed and painted) and CC0. Use them as you please. :)

    Written March 05, 2019
  • InGaN profile picture

    Thanks for making this and sharing it! I used this as a starting point and re-imagined it as something a little different. Thanks for sharing!

    Written December 27, 2019
  • Aryn profile picture

    I love it! :)

    Written January 20, 2020
  • alexander profile picture

    me gusto mucho

    Written October 14, 2023
  • Aryn profile picture

    Gracias, seƱor Alexander. Estoy feliz de que te guste.

    Written April 10, 2024