2 files with node setups for Sun and Point simulated light sources for a procedural and customisable toon texture shader for Cycles. These gives more control on the looks of a toon shader within Cycles without having to change environment settings and whatnot. These are more of a proof of concept than production ready in some sense, but can come in handy. The images are exaples of render I made with test files and the nodes I'm sharing.
It is part of a proposal for NPR shaders for Blender 2.8x series, but made in Blender 2.79 https://blender.community/c/rightclickselect/p2bbbc/npr-nodes-proposal-for-cycles-2-8x
Update: https://www.blendswap.com/blends/view/91247
Made a new version, this one becoming essentially obsolete, leaving it here in case people end up here somehow.
Depending on the light source you add color ramps between the "Clasic open GL node" and the "Flatshader node" to your liking, be carefull not to delete the empties and light sources provided, they are used to drive the shading.
Actually, im having troubles doing that regardless of the light source I add into the scene, nothing changes, even if I delete the default point light on the monkey. And im not sure, but im not seeing any empties in the scene either.
Sorry for late reply, these setup only work with the provided light sources, as they are it's very hard to add extra light sources to them. I'm working on a video explanation.
In addition to what Verison said, it looks like you forgot to pack the textures. (bandtriangular.png and bandtriangularNOR.png) Doesn't anybody read the criteria checklist when uploading their files? cascading facepalms
made a new version check it out: https://www.blendswap.com/blends/view/91247 Also solved all issues here presented. Thanks for the feed back.
how do u use it