A simple model of my coffee maker I made some time ago, have fun. No camera, lighting, ect. included. Just the coffee maker objects, materials and textures.
Thanks for the hint. But I intended to keep the file as simple as possible, so I deleted everything except the model. I assume that the object is used rather for the integration into other scenes than in the original file.
This is really beautiful and well done, with an amazingly optimized file size. Thank you!
Just chiming in; I actually appreciate you not including the camera or HDRI. The first thing I always do with assets like this is select the main object, Ctrl-I to select the inverse, and then delete everything. Appreciate you saving me the time.
There is no camera (so you can't render it as-is), and the environment calls for an HDR file and there is no file included, so if you do add a camera and try to render, it will be all purple. These are easy to work around, and the model is quite nice.