this is procedural textures of acrylic
Render with Intel HD 4000 2gb of RAM
IOR list : 'Air': 1.000 'Bubble': 1.100 'Liquid methane': 1.150 'Ice(H2O)': 1.310 'Water': 1.333 'Clear Plastic': 1.400 'Glass': 1.440 - 1.900 'Light glass': 1.450 'Standart glass': 1.520 'Heavy glass': 1.650 'Obsidian': 1.480 - 1.510 'Onyx': 1.486 - 1.658 'Acrylic glass': 1.491 'Benzene': 1.501 'Crown glass': 1.510 'Jasper': 1.540 'Agate': 1.544 - 1.553 'Amethist': 1.544 - 1.553 'Salt': 1.544 'Amber': 1.550 'Quartz': 1.550 'Sugar': 1.560 'Emerald': 1.576 - 1.582 'Flint glass': 1.613 'Topaz': 1.620 - 1.627 'Jade': 1.660 - 1.680 'Saphire': 1.760 'Ruby': 1.760 - 2.419 'Cristal': 1.870 'Diamond': 2.417 - 2.541
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