Scarlet gemstone for a certain Scarlet Devil

  • April 13, 2018
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: Gluomme
  • License: CC-0
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I made this as an ornament for a project I never got to finish a few years ago. I've modified a few things and made a render just before uploading to make it look more... professionnal ? Nah, not rally, but you get what I mean. It's actually one of the first things I ever modelled in Blender, so it has really simple materials and the way I handled the modelling can seem funny, but it satisfies me enough for it to become my first upload here.

Do whatever you want with it and if you like post what you used it for, I'd love to read about it. ^^


  • SRobison profile picture

    This is a terrific simple little model. Love it!

    Would you be interested in rendering - as paid work - a specific troll head that a client of mine wants done? If you would like to do this work, and would like to know all the details of the project, we would love to know your price quote. Please contact me at sallydrawsflies - at - gmail - dot - com. Thanks in advance for considering :)

    Written March 09, 2019
  • HAMZAH2024 profile picture


    Written September 07, 2024