Reflected Fate Boy and Girl Anime Models

  • April 16, 2018
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: AudiofreakXD
  • License: CC-0
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This is a edit of cloudef's low poly anime girl which had hair and had only one gender (also added ears). Since his or her own work is open domain, it is absolutely OK for anyone to use this as I also license this as open domain. These base models are currently being used for my BGE project which is a MMO named Reflected Fate.

I hope you enjoy this and are capable of using it for your own game. Clothes and such I might add to my blends in the future so that you are able to easily dress your characters and customize them to create your own unique character.

Don't be afraid to contact me for any questions about this model, or if you'd like a link as proof to the original owner of the content whom licensed it CC Public Domain.

Special thanks to Cloudef for this simple, fully textured model. It's so good, it looks very professional, in my opinion. Toodles fellow developers!

Fixed missing textures


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