Mercedez Benz SLR Mclaren 3D model

  • April 23, 2018
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: GoldenDiamondStudios
  • License: CC-BY
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A 3d model of a mercedes benz slr mclaren fully textured and ready for download


  • ThePefDispenser profile picture

    A few objects have multiple un-needed materials.attached to them. The Tires, wheels, and license plates indicate missing textures, but each has 25 materials so I did not try to track it down further.

    Edited April 24, 2018
  • GoldenDiamondStudios profile picture

    i am aware of that, to save time and resources i used the license plates and wheels from another previous car that i made, and that model had every textures attachted to it, the wheels and license plates not only have theirs, but also all from the other car, sorry about that

    Written April 25, 2018
  • THEWITCH profile picture

    teach me how to make this please. I spend a lot of time to make this type of car and i fail. Can you just teach me

    Written March 15, 2021
  • mike_dstar profile picture

    Awesome work, I've just used your brilliant Merc in my video (i'm no professional mind :D ) Thanks for sharing

    Written May 06, 2022
  • emmafisher profile picture

    Indeed, the model is very good. It is more suitable for some business trips, as for me, you can't go on a car trip with this. That's why I choose more practical cars. For car trips, I rent vans on this website and I think it's an ideal option for a trip with the whole family

    Written September 17, 2023