Node trees Fan Art

  • June 08, 2018
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: TharunAchanta
  • License: CC-BY
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Hey guys having problem in understanding the cycles node setups, this is for u!!! here are some node trees collected from different tutorials all you need to do is apply them to your models and see the awesome results!! these node setups help you for faster workflow of your scene, all you need to do is just append these pre-made node trees into your blend file and apply the to your models hope you guys like it let me know in comments if you need more of like this setups this blend includes: -metal -silverCoatedAluminium -car Paint -polystyrene -cracked rock with glows -Gold -steel -silver -rusty metal -multi color shader -pearl -bronze -crystal -plastic -blued steel if size is too big let me know i can upload blend with only node trees


  • tapape2002 profile picture

    Thanks a bunch. Nice to be able to see and play around with the set-ups for different nodes.

    Written June 10, 2018
  • euvoaht4u profile picture

    I'm kinda new to appending anything in blender. Is there a tutorial to show me how to append these materials into my blend file?

    Written August 27, 2019
  • Kissenklauer profile picture

    File-Append... go to blend or zip file and select the stuff you want, click Append from library. the data blocks can be used/linked to your object now. just remember to tick fake user for everything you want to keep.

    Written August 27, 2019
  • thinsoldier profile picture

    The file size on this is insane. I removed all the unnecessary junk and the file size is now only 3mb.

    Written March 10, 2021