Hamburgers LowPoly

  • June 27, 2018
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: zariellarsen
  • License: CC-0
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There are 3 lowpoly, textured models for you to use in your game



  • TheBobfather profile picture

    I never got why some people dont like cheese on burgers. Well... Looks like somebody dont like cheese cuase the one on the right is just plain... Anyway, good work. Puts some more on Bar B this 4th of July. ;)

    Edited June 27, 2018
  • hysteric77 profile picture

    Maybe they are lactose intolerant.

    For me personally it has to be fully melted. I don't really like it when people throw on poorly sliced cheddar cheese and don't let it melt all the way through.

    Also, home cooks often times over cook burgers, especially on the grill. They might get to the point where they announce "Burgers are done!" and THEN say "Who want's cheese?" So then five minutes later, when the cheese has finally melted, your burger is as dry as cardboard and the only thing saving it IS the cheese. So it can often depend on who's cooking it/ grilling it and how appetizing it looks.

    To the OP: Nice looking models by the way. They are making me hungry!

    Written September 15, 2018
  • TheBobfather profile picture

    Haha! Thanks for the Blender Cooking Tips!!

    Written September 15, 2018