Blender Hair Particles in Wind Force

  • August 12, 2018
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: Comotempera
  • License: CC-0
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I was just curious how Blender Hair Particles System waved hair in the wind force, so I made head from the scratch, set the hair simulator and the wind force, and I animate scene turntable.

Hair Particle system has a lot of options, and it is not easy to set right values to obtain errorless results. For the example, STIFFNESS, controls how much hair can be bend. If it is to low, hair goes thru the head or ears, if is to hard, hair can not bend and wave. It tooks me a lot of time to set particle values. I give this blend to study Hair Particles options and wind force.

A girl is drawn using Cycles render.

YouTube link:


  • Comotempera profile picture

    Usefull video how to set options in Hair Particle Simulation

    Blender Hair Dynamics Tutorial

    A video how to model human head

    Human Head Modeling

    Written August 12, 2018
  • Comotempera profile picture

    when you download file:

    1. Go to Properties, Render (camera icon), Output and, select PNG image, and RGBA.
    2. Go to Post Processing , and uncheck field Sequencer

    You can render PNG images now.

    How to start particle simulation.

    1. Go to Outliner select Glava, (to selecr head) in hierarhy find and selet kosa_particle (that is the scalp for particles grow)
    2. Go to Properties panel and select particles
    3. Go to Cashe and press Free Bake Then press Bake and wait to particle simulator do job. When it bakes, you can pres Play in 3D view and see animation of hair.
    4. Go to render animation. Press Animation in render panel. You will render sequence of PNG images.
    5. In blender Video sequence editor, import still images and make a movie.
    Written August 14, 2018
  • Comotempera profile picture
    Written October 22, 2018