Monochromatic dithering material node [2.8]

  • January 11, 2019
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: Skrool
  • License: CC-BY
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This material node is converting a shader to a monochrome color output with dithering.

Colors, resolution, ratio of the image and number of steps are customizable. It is also possible to select a pattern used for the dithering. There is 6 different patterns you can select. It is possible to add your own pattern as a 8x8 greyscale texture in the dithering node.

It is recommanded to sync the resolution and the ratio with the one of the project.


  • broflodge profile picture

    Looks interesting, will give it a try. It's tagged 2.8/eevee but indicated to be 2.79/internal? This should best be one of them (the first, I assume).

    Written January 21, 2019
  • hesterk profile picture

    I signed up to check out this project because it looks cool, but whenever I go to open the .blend file, blender immediately closes. I'm running 2.79, which it's tagged as being compatible with-- don't know if I'm being stupid or if this is an issue?

    Written February 03, 2019
  • Skrool profile picture

    Yeah. I'm sorry, it's using 2.8 features, and is not compatible with 2.79. The reason I tagged it as 2.79/internal is that there were no option for 2.8/eevee when I uploaded it (or I've made a mistake and didn't notice it ?). Sorry for the confusion :C

    Written February 04, 2019
  • NitPick profile picture

    Any chance this will work with CMYK similar to Ben Simonds halftone shader? He hasn't updated his material since 2013.

    Written February 07, 2019
  • Fjuffy profile picture

    Thanks. How would one go about having the hatching follow the contours of the mesh? Rather than slice across it, as at present?

    Written February 20, 2019
  • tiny360 profile picture

    good question, I would like to know as well

    Written November 04, 2020
  • andrewportella profile picture

    Wow! Very neat, man! Thanks so much!

    Written March 21, 2019
  • chaitai2 profile picture

    Really Cool effect, - i used it little modified on a shadow catcher material, like the early dithered fake shadows in old games!

    Written January 20, 2020
  • sepahris profile picture

    Thanks for this, I love it! How did you do the outlines like in the example pic above?

    edit: I figured out a way. Make sure your render size is a power of 2 to avoid seams in the pixel effect. Add freestyle lines. Then in the compositor, add a scale node 0.25 relative -> pixelate -> scale node 4.00 relative

    Written July 26, 2020
  • Leumeister profile picture

    Does this work with more than two colors?

    Written August 04, 2020
  • Somni profile picture

    Hey! This looks exactly what I need for my project, but I am new to Blender and I feel like a noob because I can't figure out how to even install it. I select the zip file after going to Edit > Preferences > Addons > Install, and a message pops up saying it has installed, but I can't seem to find it anywhere. I'm running the latest version of Blender. When I go to Shaders and Shift + A to add the node, it's no where to be found when I search for it. I will continue trying, but any help is appreciated!

    Written August 25, 2020
  • sendirian profile picture

    late reply but there's a save file inside the zip, extract and open in blender

    Written November 28, 2021
  • SebastianAg profile picture

    Much love mate. Been busting my brains out for a good dithering node. I think this one's it!

    Written August 13, 2023
  • estool profile picture

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