Dusty cracked surface Material

  • January 24, 2019
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: Lynxette79
  • License: CC-BY
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The material node include two groups - 1) image texture of the cracks and 2) the main image texture with its own normal, displacement (bump), ambient occlusion (AO) and specularity (SPEC) maps. The color of the cracks can be changed via "CRACKS COLOR CONTROL PANEL" frame. The main image texture (Diffuse Map) and associated AO and SPEC nodes can be detached from the "Main Color of Object" node to allow the domination of one solid color of your choice (see sample image of Burnt Orange Susanne with Green cracks). In such case, appropriate normal and bump maps can be left as is, replaced with your own images or disabled. The amount and intensity of dust particles can be adjusted through "DUST CONTROL PANEL" frame. Please note that dust particles are made to fall onto the object and accumulate in crevices in Z direction.
