Sci-Fi Spacestations for Backgrounds

  • July 04, 2019
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: merpol
  • License: CC-0
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These are 2 spacestations I made for a challenge. They are low poly and meant to be in the background. You will get bump maps and light maps, made by me. Feel free to play around with the UV's (they are not the greatest) and with the maps. If you use them, please feel free and show me, would be nice to see.


  • Tozan profile picture

    let me know if you make any more of this free sci-fi stuff because I'm making a sci-fi rpg game and my bridge dosent' yet have the sci-fi consoles.

    game site

    Written July 04, 2019
  • merpol profile picture

    For now, just these. :)

    Written July 06, 2019
  • akira22 profile picture

    great thanks!!

    Written July 05, 2019
  • theoldmaneric profile picture

    Just downloaded them, they look really good. I will put something together and give you a look, I have a starship just waiting.

    Written July 06, 2019
  • theoldmaneric profile picture

    Hi ya, just a head up on models. The big space station has a couple of mesh issues. When you have applied the mirror some of the verts overlap and there are some gaps where the mesh has not merged. There are also a lot of doubles that don't behave well. I got rid of the doubles and closed the gaps, and it behaves much better when I play around with the bevel and subsurf settings. I am just building a scene now with a starship I have been tinkering with.

    Written July 06, 2019
  • merpol profile picture

    Thanks for the heads up. I have to see how I can re-upload the blend file and make the corrections. (I think the file is still in moderation :)

    Written July 06, 2019
  • Tozan profile picture

    It looks pretty good though

    Written July 09, 2019
  • RajChovhan profile picture

    Hi, I am using this in my game. I will surely add your name in the credits. Please like our FB page Follow on Twitter it will be great if you share. Also it will be helpful if you give me your real name in DM. Thanks.

    Edited July 20, 2020
  • estool profile picture

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