Golden Dragon

  • August 13, 2019
  • Blender 2.8x
  • Render: EEVEE
  • Creator: MajorNightmare
  • License: CC-BY
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Inspired by Dragon's Age Inquisition and Game Of Thrones. I gave the head a distinctive Dinosaur look, as if it evolved from something in our past. 3 x 4k UV's. 2 rigs, 1) rig = ik/fk animation rig 2) rig_deform = simplified rig for export to Unity. Lots of animations, walk, fly, die etc... The "rig_deform" does whatever the "rig" does so no need to touch it, unless you are exporting. Select the "rig", go into pose mode and select an animation from the Action Editor. Some animations can or require layering with the non-linear Animation like walking and breathing fire. Zbrush 140 million poly sculpt in 3 pieces. Low Poly made with Blender, 3 LOD's included. Baked base maps in Xnormals and Blender Cycles. Quixel Suite Textures. Final BSDF specular-metalness mixed workflow with Eevee realtime render. Rigify addon must be enabled. Also click the "Like" button if you would more high quality free models like this in the future.

Contact info: enter your email address in the "subscribe" section to get in touch with me for any freelance or game dev projects.


  • testing profile picture

    There's literally nothing on any of the layers, how the heck does this take up 60 MB?

    Written August 22, 2019
  • MajorNightmare profile picture

    I just downloaded it, works fine for me. The bulk of the files are the 12 x 4K textures. There's 4 dragon meshes in different LODS, and over 20 animations. it's a Blender 2.8 RC1 file, may not work in anything older.

    Written August 23, 2019
  • TheDigge profile picture

    I seem to only see one animation.

    Written August 23, 2019
  • MajorNightmare profile picture

    Make sure you have the "rig" selected and are in pose mode. I added a screen shot to show the animation GUI while the Rigify rig is selected.

    Written August 24, 2019
  • TheDigge profile picture

    Are you interested in having your models in a opensource game?

    Written September 16, 2019
  • TheDigge profile picture
    TheDigge idk what im doing wrong here

    Written October 13, 2019
  • MajorNightmare profile picture

    Show Overlays is turned off, you won't see any helpers, while it is off. So, lights, rigs, empties etc...don't show up. It's the icon top left of two overlapping cirlces.

    Written February 06, 2020
  • Britical_Hit profile picture

    This is a fantastic dragon model, better than some that are for sale - and rigged to boot! Thanks for posting :) I'm going to use the dragon in an upcoming video and I'm looking forward to being able to post a link to it here and giving you full credit, of course.

    However, I've got a problem and I wonder if you can help. Whenever I keyframe the rig - either all of it, or one bone within the rig - the dragon jumps back to the world origin (Blender 2.8). I've tried deleting all sorts of things to try to eliminate whatever is influencing the rig - the animation blocks in the NLA editor, for example, but with no success. To that point, what are the two 'bead necklace' string of points that are shown in this picture: ? I can't select them as a sub-part of the rig. Because they don't move when I move the dragon rig, something tells me if I can deactivate or delete them, the problem will be solved.

    Thanks for your time :)

    Written July 21, 2020
  • MajorNightmare profile picture

    Hi Brit,

    First turn on Show Overlays to see the rig and make sure Rigify Add on is installed(may have asked you to trust source on opening). Select the "Rig" Armature. The root bone(on Collection 6 layer) is exposed in the scene, the circle with 4 arrows bone shape. Once it's selected, go into Pose mode. Press N for the properties panels, if is not already open and go to the Misc Tab. There you can turn on and off the bone layers, and depending what bone you have selected you'll get the Rigify options for that bone i.e. IK or FK. Remember you are keyframing the helper bones, the bones with bone shapes only.(Not the deform or anatomical bones). While you have the Root bone or any other selected in Pose Mode, use Dope Sheet - in Action Editor mode to see or change the current animation and keyframes. NB: There are 2 more rigs, you can leave hidden "Rig Defrom" which is for exporting to FBX for Unity etc... The other is the metarig which is the custom Rigify template I made on Collection 8 layer. The metarig can be resized to fit another similar dragon mesh, and then regenerated to apply the changes to the existing rig or create a new rig. However re-generating will likely kill most of the animations and not required for what you want to do. You may want to do a tutorial on Rigify(if you've never used it) with a generic human rig, no mesh needed, just to see how the whole thing works. The bone layers and most of the helper bones are the same in the dragon as a human rig. Hope that helps. Cheers

    Written July 24, 2020
  • MajorNightmare profile picture

    PS. The necklace's are Motion Paths. They show where that bone will move over time, kinda of a still preview of the movement for that bones animation. You can delete or hide them, they are just guides.

    Written July 24, 2020
  • Britical_Hit profile picture

    MajorNightmare, thanks for your detailed answer! I did reply earlier, but it got swallowed up somehow. You can see your magnificent dragon in action here:

    I couldn't get round the problem of the rig wanting to snap back to the world origin upon playing the animation, so I deleted the rig and parented the dragon to the original armature from which you (presmably) made the rig. Job done!

    The white skin/scales effect was achieved by re purposing one of your accompanying maps (gloss?) as the main, albedo layer.

    Written August 02, 2020
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