Cori is the Core of my project SimplyRig.
She is a dreamy and vivacious girl who loves to live adventures in pajamas since in her head pajamas are the best prepared costumes to live dream adventures.
It is a gift that I want to give to the Blender community for everything it has offered me, and it is free to use for its projects and experiments.
The only request I have is that all the comments you have about the model and the team let me know so that I can improve the system of this team as much as possible and benefit everyone.
Q- The script "" is dangerous?
A- It is not dangerous, it is essential for the platform to be fully operational
Q- Where is the IK and FK switch?
A- In the gears
Q- Can I use Cori to make animations for my own project plans, or reels?
A- Yes, and I would appreciate it if you sent them to me either by the comment box or privately.
Q- The rig will receive maintenance and future updates?
A- Yes, there are improvements that for the publication day have not yet been implemented as IK fingers and dynamic panels, all this without counting the improvements that you can bring with your feedback
Hi....How do I use the rig buttons [sliders] (Lips, Eyes, etc..)?
Thanks in advance....
Thanks for the quick response. I was confused and on the wrong character. The sliders for proxy picker morphs are on the "Mike" character. Sorry......
Thanks for this!! It looks awesome and I think it'll be my default rig to practice in blender!
Thanks for this!! It looks awesome and I think it'll be my default rig to practice in blender!
I really like this model. Any possible way to get simplified version of it? There is too many bones and whatnot attached, makes it hard to use in webgl. Trying to remove bones myself but there is so many interconnected bones that things start to not bend well or not at all. Ideally keep the face rigging since its done so well, but from the neck down, more simplified, no IK bones or whatnot. Just the bare essentials to animate the character smoothly.
This model is awesome. I would like to use it for a school project, but I am a total newbie with Blender. Any chance someone could explain to me how to animate her? There are too many controls and I do not know really how to use them. Thank you. Ya te he spameado en todas las redes sociales en las que he subido el vídeo, pero bueno, por si acaso XD El modelo es genial, me encanta <3 Espero que te guste la animación
Awesome! how did you rig this model? All custom or did you use a tool? <3
I´m still Amazed, where did you learn how to rig like this? Who did you pay to have as a teacher? hahaha <3
love it so much! i used it for my lipsync practice here
THANK YOU! I will be using it for my future practice!
Looks nice. Don't show it to any proud White Men however, they will call you a "paedophile" and murder you on the spot. That is what White Men do: protect the value of their "whoite wuhman"
Holy cow, this is pretty awesome! You've clearly put a lot of work into this. If you don't mind me asking, how did you learn to make such an advanced, yet still manageable rig? Just experimentation or were there some tutorials you followed back when you were learning?
thanks for sharing bro , i will use this rig for my practice animation :)
hi, this so cool rig bro, can i use this rig for my short animation, and i wanna submit my animation to local competition in my country ?
This is a wonderful rig. I'm just stuck on one thing, can IK stretch be turned off on the limbs?
Select a gear controller and see properties in the panel put 0 in strech IK
in this version is not work correctly sorry i recomend use the 3d cursor for macht coordinates
bro you can check my animation with your char
thanks a lot , for share this rig. i think you can update with snap ik fk. and for lipsinc too
brother you saved my time as soon iam going to make something special i will send the link thank you so much broi god blessed!
How can I learn from this amazing rig? I really wanna rig like this...
Dear poll, firstly I would like to congratulate you for having 1 of the most detailed and beautiful models I have seen on all blender shared model websites.
I am new to Blender and need it for my Bachelors degree in Software Engineering's Final Year Project.
I have looked through 100s of free rigs on blender shared rig websites and your Cori model is perfect!
Can I please use your Cori model for my project? It will be a free android app to help children around the world with speech disorders.
I would not be able to pay you anything since, as I mentioned, it would be a free charity project. The only compensation would be the prayers from the hearts of myself, my team, the parents of the children and the children who use the application send you for your amazing character model.
I intend to give you full credits for your amazing design of Cori and mention it in my application as well as on the Google PlayStore link when I publish the completed Project.
Hello Asad, you have my permission to carry out the project, if you need any guarantee I think that with a capture of my public comment it should be worth
Greetings, Poll! Your model helped me to make my little MMORPG for Ludum Dare 47 game jam: Thanks and best of luck to you!
thank you for allowing me to use your Cori model for my Final Year Project poll =D you are truly a savior when it comes to my FYP!
I meant to write back to you much earlier when I initially read your reply but just got so busy. I know this may sound lazy of me, but could I use Cori's face as my app icon as well as use this short smiling gif of Cori you made for my Welcome page? Although I am not sure how to use it =/ When I try saving it, it saves as a still image.
Thanks again for allowing me to use Cori for my project animations! =D
Another big thank you! I LOVE how this model isn't 100s of GB like some of the other character models out there. Nice and easy to work with.
Were you going to update this model for Blender 2.9x? I noticed on the rig the IK seems to have broken for the arms. Maybe there have been some updates to the constraints or something.
Update: Nevermind. I didn't realize how the gear icon works. When that is selected on the rig there are extra properties that appear with the rig controls in the viewport. Changing it from 0 to 1 changes it from IK to FK
Brillinat. Have t put a proposal together to try get finance for a short and this character hit the nail on the head for me. Well done. Might chat down the line on working together.. pending ;)
Si llego a hacer un animación con este personaje, podría publicarlar? La quiero utilizar para un proyecto y si me queda bien me gustaria publicarla.
Made a poster with her. She's awesome. You did a fantastic job, man.
You have done a very difficult job and tried very hard to do it) Thank you Sir) I haven't seen any work like this anywhere)
this is absolutely incredible. I'm a bachelors student making a short 3d animation project of a little girl for my final thesis and this taught me a lot about using IK in 3D! I'm amazed. Thank you for all of your hard work!
The project is fabulous, great work! Kindly, would I use this model for the short film that i am going to produce on my YouTube channel? do i have the right to use the model for commercial use for free of cost?
Si llegara a necesitar tus servicios ¿Hay forma de poderte contactar?
trying to practice with blender. this rig seemed like a good start
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I love this character design and this rig so much. I'm gonna use it for a bunch of my practice animations. Thanks for making this. Is there any chance you could update the to work in blender 4.2+ (or would you know of a guide or starting point on how to port it to 4.2+) I would love to use a newer version of blender with this rig.
I have working long time in big update of the rig But i no have time to end
Interesting portal way of introducing this incident, enjoyed reading the post! thank you Apollo group tv
Interesting portal way of introducing this incident, enjoyed reading the post! thank you Apollo group tv
Cori sounds like an amazing gift to the Blender community! It’s awesome to see such a creative and generous project come to Chill Guy Clicker life—her adventurous spirit in pajamas makes her even more unique!
This is beautiful. From the video posted, I can see the effort and deliver of a great resource. Thank you very much.