Pedro 2.5.6 Staff Pick

  • January 04, 2011
  • Blender 2.5x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: waylow
  • License: CC-0
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Hello all

this is a Demo on how to use the "Pedro" rig I have created

The Video is for the 2.5.2 version but I have updated the file for 2.56

You can use it however you like, just credit me if you do anything serious with it.

(either Wayne Dixon or Waylow is fine)

Here is a link to the file:

please feel free to give me feed back on the rig to improve it for future releases

the forum link to discuss any feedback in depth:

Have Fun


  • sky_D profile picture

    Hi waylow,

    thank you very much for sharing your great rigs here on Blandswap again in an updated version. I LOVE them ! :-)

    Written January 04, 2011
  • waylow profile picture

    cheers - the others are on the way

    Written January 04, 2011
  • waylow profile picture

    hmm, I'll check it out

    one of my other rigs did the same thing (swapped legs I mean) - It might have freaked out with the changes somewhere along the line.

    with the feet, going form memory (I'll look later) there was the FootRoll which was the track-to and the Foot_IK. If Pedro is staying on the ground and you need to add tilt use the FootRoll. If he is running and you need tilt - use the IK bone.

    Is that what you mean - or are you having the flipping happen with the IK bone?

    Also I would like to see what is happening with the neck - maybe PM me on BlenderArtists - oh hang on it's still down. email waylowinternet at

    then we can have a text chat or something. But I will have to have a look into it on the weekend.

    PS. excellent animation

    Written February 09, 2011
  • Blender2.61 profile picture

    What can i say, You Rock! Thanks for sharing.

    Edited April 01, 2012
  • ronigavsh profile picture

    I like the art

    Written October 01, 2012
  • BlendEyes profile picture

    Pedro, Scarlett and Alex are among my favorite models on the site! Thank you so much for all of your contributions, you are a fantastic artist!

    And apparently you're an actor, comedian and musician too...? Who the hell are you, man?!

    Written July 06, 2013
  • antonboiko profile picture

    The rig is broken in Blender 2.71. There's no options in the "N" panel.

    Written September 07, 2014
  • IMValle profile picture

    Thank you very much!

    Written October 04, 2015
  • Kinchie profile picture

    Thanks for your dog rig - we can learn so much from your approach. Much appreciated!

    Written May 12, 2017