Quirlie ball rig

  • January 04, 2011
  • Blender 2.5x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: sky_D
  • License: CC-0
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"Quirlie" is a nice stretchy and swoshy ball for basic Blender animation training.

His features include:

  • easy to use control bones for animation beginners

  • a ball roll around his pivot point

  • you can freely determine where swosh/stretch should take place on his surface. e.g. you can swosh him first on the wall and then on the floor while rolling around his pivot point

  • CC zero license

Some notes on the rig:

root bone: yxz location control

ball_roll bone: xyz rotation control

lattice_roll bone: control of the swosh/stretch points

shapekeys on the lattice: swosh/stretch effect

To adapt the swosh/stretch form simply modify lattice and/or the shapekey setup.

And don't forget to key shapekeys in the shapekey editor!


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