U.S. Currency pack

  • December 05, 2019
  • Blender 2.8x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: throwaway_23476423682
  • License: CC-0
You must be logged in to download.


All the current US bills, with accurate OVI and holographic security ribbons. You can donate at https://gum.co/HTVDT if you wish. This blend file is fully legal and was approved by the admins before uploading.


  • phxbug profile picture

    https://www.moneyfactory.gov/resources/lawsandregulations.html us regs

    Written December 06, 2019
  • throwaway_23476423682 profile picture

    3D models are not counterfeiting, and all of the pictures are from Wikipedia (or handmade) I'm not breaking any laws. Also, there are plenty of other people selling curreny packs

    Written December 07, 2019
  • phxbug profile picture

    using the image of currency outside of allowable limits

    Written December 07, 2019
  • phxbug profile picture

    the illustration is of a size less than three-fourths or more than one and one-half, in linear dimension, of each part of the item illustrated; the illustration is one-sided; and all negatives, plates, positives, digitized storage medium, graphic files, magnetic medium, optical storage devices and any other thing used in the making of the illustration that contain an image of the illustration or any part thereof are destroyed and/or deleted or erased after their final use. 18 U.S.C. § 504(1), 31 CFR § 411.1.

    Black and White Reproductions

    Title 18, United States Code, Section 504 permits black and white reproductions of currency and other obligations, provided such reproductions meet the size requirement.

    Use and reproduction of U.S. currency for advertising purposes prohibited under federal law

    Under section 475 of the U.S. Criminal Code, “whoever designs, engraves, prints, makes, or executes, or utters, issues, distributes, circulates, or uses any business or professional card, notice, placard, circular, handbill, or advertisement in the likeness or similitude of any obligation or security of the United States issued under or authorized by any Act of Congress or writes, prints, or otherwise impresses upon or attaches to any such instrument, obligation, or security, or any coin of the United States, any business or professional card, notice, or advertisement, or any notice or advertisement whatever, shall be fined under this title.” 18 U.S.C. § 475.

    Written December 07, 2019
  • phxbug profile picture

    including photographs

    Printed reproductions, including photographs of paper currency, checks, bonds, postage stamps, revenue stamps, and securities of the United States and foreign governments (except under the conditions previously listed) are violations of Title 18, Section 474 of the United States Code. Violations are punishable by fines of up to $5,000, or 15 years imprisonment, or both.

    Written December 07, 2019
  • phxbug profile picture

    I do not want to see Blendswap admins or any user get prosecuted be careful be safe don;t download

    Written December 07, 2019
  • throwaway_23476423682 profile picture

    You're misunderstanding the law, this blend file is perfectly legal. If I were to print these on to paper and use them as currency then there would be a crime. I made sure to read the USC before making this. That being said, let's look at the laws you cited:

    "[A] size less than three-fourths or more than one and one-half, in linear dimension" the bills I made are over a meter in each dimension.

    The black and white section does not apply to these images.

    I have not made any "business or professional card, notice, placard, circular, handbill, or advertisement in the likeness or similitude of any obligation or security of the United States." digital works are legal. I suggest you complain to the government. The admins approved this file.

    Written December 07, 2019
  • phxbug profile picture

    when do you destroy the originals? after use the digital media must be destroyed

    Written December 08, 2019
  • phxbug profile picture

    What jurisdiction does that fall under? The guys in charge of counterfeiting are in charge of cybercrime.

    Written December 08, 2019
  • phxbug profile picture

    Placing that in the comments should educate individuals who may download the file that there is restricted use of such file.

    Written December 08, 2019
  • throwaway_23476423682 profile picture

    Wikipedia has the originals, I refer you to them for more questions. FTC is in charge of the internet, they don't handle counterfeiting. You still don't understand what you are saying.

    Written December 08, 2019
  • phxbug profile picture

    FTC does not do cybercrime You say you understand but did not answer the question which shows a lack of understanding regarding the regs . The same orgaNIZATION THAT HANDLES CYBERCRIME HANDLES COUNTERFEITING . It is not FTC. They might investigate health care breeches

    Written December 09, 2019
  • phxbug profile picture

    I'll give you a clue who did agent gil work for?

    Written December 09, 2019
  • throwaway_23476423682 profile picture

    I never said the FTC handles cybercrime, please reread my comment. Either way, I'm not breaking any laws, nor is anyone who downlaods this. I have nothing to gain by lying.

    Actually, I have nothing to gain by continuing this conversation either.

    Written December 09, 2019
  • sibiga9135@promail9.net profile picture

    @phxbug, the creator throwaway_23476423682 doesn't have any problem, the admins don't have any problem, even the United States Govt doesn't have any problem with his file being here, what exactly is your problem?

    @throwaway_23476423682 Nice work creator, your work is awesome.

    Written January 03, 2020
  • goldshia profile picture

    why are they not double side.

    Written January 20, 2021
  • goldshia profile picture

    why are they not double side.

    Written January 20, 2021
  • Domleono profile picture

    Dude, you rock!. saved me a bunch of time.

    Written July 03, 2022
  • Manny profile picture

    people are stupid this isn't illegal

    Written July 18, 2022
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