Color Separated Dithering Renderer

  • January 03, 2020
  • Blender 2.8x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: skeddles
  • License: CC-BY
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This lets you render a low-res dithered image with up to 8 unique channels, which can have a different color map and dither amount.

How To Use:

  1. Assign material's pass index to 0-7 (or use the materials already in the file). Multiple materials can have the same index, they will just have the same colors. Base color should be set to middle gray for most purposes. You can change the materials Viewport Display color to make it easier to identify.

  2. To adjust go into the compositor, and select the Ditherer node group and hit tab. Adjust the Dither and Gradient Map nodes for each channel. There is also a curves adjustment for each one if you need it.


  • The background will be colored with channel 0 unless you put an object behind everything.

Twitter: @skeddles
