Compositor Nodes Text Melt

  • March 10, 2020
  • Blender 2.8x
  • Render: EEVEE
  • Creator: 3dbb
  • License: CC-0
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Compositor Nodes Text Melt

The melting text animation was fun, but the underlying nodes were the real goal. The nodes contained are: Emboss Plasma Beam Gradient Horizontal Ramp 2x Ramp 4x Edge Blur Light Wrap

Some I created my self, Some were created from info I found on the net. The drips were stock footage from the free CC0 slime pack from Video Copilot. The emboss node was used to create the bump effect on the text. The plasma beam node was used for the laser, and the drips glow. The gradient horiz node was used to create the wipe. The ramp 2x node for choking some masks. This node has external position connections.

caustic noise sequence removed so I can upload
