Superhero Fan Art

  • January 28, 2011
  • Blender 2.4x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: Speedy100
  • License: CC-0
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Superhero like Mr.Incredible

Hair texture from

Mr. Incredible's Logo found on Google Image Search

Character Reference found at

Ve:824 Fa:1322


  • akindofcraft profile picture

    Hi Speedy, I'm new in 3d and I want to know a thing about modeling. I ever see models with these triangular faces, I only do models based on cube. How I can do in this way? I think it is probaly ideal for low poly in games, thanks! Sorry the bad english, I'm brazillian.

    Edited February 06, 2011
  • akindofcraft profile picture

    Ctrl + T, ok... stupid question

    Written February 25, 2011
  • Speedy100 profile picture

    Hi sorry for the delay its not a bad question. I just was not sure how best to answer it. Basically All faces are made up of triangles even if the software you are using only displays the faces as quads. The advantage to converting all quads to triangles is that you can chose which way the quad is divided. When building low poly models this can be quite helpful because it enables you to make the most out of each face. In Blender to convert all selected quads to triangles simply get into edit mode go to the bottom of the window where it say mesh then hit faces then click on Convert Quads to Triangles.

    If this does not help you might be able to find something at the blender site.

    Written February 25, 2011