Compositor Nodes Pack03 3dbb Color Tools

  • April 20, 2020
  • Blender 2.8x
  • Render: EEVEE
  • Creator: 3dbb
  • License: CC-0
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Compositor Nodes Pack03 3dbb Color Tools

Here's my third installment of compositor nodes. Change-RGB-01, Color-Match-Helper-01, ColorTempK2RGB-Compositor-01, Contrast-Mask-01, Exposure, Mask-Lum-Hi-Mid-Shd-01, Mask-Val-Hi-Mid-Low-01, Mask-RGB-01, Satiration-Lum-02, Shd-Mid-Hi-Tone-02, Temp-K-2-RGB-Calc-Comp-01.

Change-RGB-01. This node allows you to change the amount of R, G, B, independently. It can be used to alter the colors of an image. Just a more simplistic color balence method.

Color-Match-Helper-01. Place it just before the viewer node, mute and unmute. Use the color balence or curves or other, to get the colors to match with the saturated colos. This helps to see the differences. It will help to get you close to a match, then mute and tweak to what your eye wants to see.

ColorTempK2RGB-Compositor-01. Lookup table for RGB colors of Kelvin temperatue values. Mix Multiply with an image to change its temperature.

Contrast-Mask-01. Flattens the contrast of an image using the inverse of the image gray scale. brings up the shadows, and brings down the highlights.

Exposure. Change the exposure of an image.

Mask-Lum-Hi-Mid-Shd-01. Masks by luminocity.

Mask-Val-Hi-Mid-Low-01. Masks by value.

Mask-RGB-01. Masks by RGB colors. use a saturation befor it, set to a high value (6), to enhance effect. Add or subtract R or G or B masks to get the desierd mask.

Satiration-Lum-02 uses luminasity instead of value. This gives a saturation close to most other graphics software. Photoshop, Gimp, Nuke, Natron. The Blender default Hue Sat Val node uses a different algorithum, That changes the brightness of the image.

Shd-Mid-Hi-Tone-02. This node lets you color grade the image to 3 tones, Shadow, Midtone, Highlights.

Temp-K-2-RGB-Calc-Comp-01. Input a temperatur in Kelvin, output an RGB value. Mix Multiply with an image to change its temperature.

Have fun.


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