Compositor Nodes Desintegrate-Wipe-01
This desintegrate wipe effect works best with text or images with lots of alpha.
Background: Background image. Image to disintegrate: Image to disintegrate. Color Pri Disintegrate: Color of the leading edge. Color Disintegrate: Color of the trailing edge. X Wipe: Position of the wipe. Use to animate the effect across the screen. Scale Noise Pri: Scale the noise on the leading edge. X Move Displace: Move the displacement in the X direction. Y Move Displace: Move the displacement in the Y direction. Blur Disintegrate: Blur the desintegration. Displace: Change closer to WHT for less turbulence in the displacement noise. Scale Noise Disp: Scale the noise on the trailing edge. X Shift: Shift the distance between leading and trailing edge. Blur Grade Pri: Blur the gradient controlling the leading edge. Blur Grade Displace: Blur the graidient controlling the trailing edge.
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