Animated Carpet Ver 2

  • May 17, 2020
  • Blender 2.8x
  • Render: EEVEE
  • Creator: Seeblend
  • License: CC-BY
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About Animated Carpet Ver 2: (by Seeblend May/2020) Blender 2.8 CC-BY

I updated my animated carpet (version 2) to use only two keyframes. It still automatically increases the size of the carpet roll as it rolls up.

My previous version used keyframes on three objects but that meant making sure to select all of the keys when animating. This verson has a single controller and uses simple drivers for everything else. This does not use any scripts.

The blend file has more description on how the model was built.

The carpet the model is based on is about 6m long by 2.5 m wide and rolls up into a roll about 0.5m tall. It can be scaled and the width changed, and length with some cavets on length versus height changes.

The included carpet texture is CC0, based on a free CC0 svg from I used to copy/paste the pattern a few times, then used a few of the built-in filters to make it look rougher more carpet like. It is easy to change the texture to your own higher quality version.

How to use:
In your blend, append from this file and select the 'Collection/Carpet' data block

To move or rotate - select the large bounding box

To resize - 'scale all' of the bounding box to match the scale
    of your scene and then (optionally) press N to get the Item
    properties and adjust the Y scale to change the width

To animate - move the Roller (cube empty) and
    set 'location' keyframes

To duplicate the carpet, first select all 4 objects then
    press shift-D while in 3D view  e.g. in outliner right click on
   Carpet_model_rollup and use Select Hierarchy
