Blender-Dumbbell 2.8 Fan Art

  • May 30, 2020
  • Blender 2.8x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: Wind Kanter
  • License: CC-0
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This is the modification of my first normal dumbbell: The "Blender-Dumbbell 2.8" a little tribute to Blender.

This model is Non-Destructive. All the modifiers have not been applied. So you can change all settings very easily before applying the modifiers. This also saves a lot of storage space ;) You can apply all modifiers by selecting all objects and confirming them in the menu: "Objects" -> Apply -> Visual Geometry to Mesh. Maybe be careful with the high settings of the Subdivision-Modifier, depending on the hardware you are using.

Feel free to use it, but also see and respect the "Usage Guidelines for the Blender Logo" ([]).
