3 Designer Setup (Small/Medium/Big)

  • June 11, 2020
  • Blender 2.8x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: SuperMonkey
  • License: CC-0
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3 setup Cycles scene with world unit set to mm. The lights and cameras are different according to the type of object you will need to model or import (without scaling from a 1:1 model) in Blender. - Grid and clipping is also changed to suit the unit; - There is also an already set compositing node, thanks to the last Blender Guru video (do it here);

Small Setup: - Object Suzy (h. 150mm) - Camera (FL 80mm) - 2 point light + 1 spot light

Medium Setup: - Object Guru Chair (h. 800mm) - Camera (FL 80mm) - 2 point light + 1 spot light

Big Setup: - Object Space-racer (l. 13800 mm) - Camera (FL 35mm) - 3 area light

EDIT: Apparently i couldn't upload the others in a different blend, so i had to put all of them in same one. Choose which setup you need to use according to the dimension and hide (or delete) the others.

Why: As a product designer i use a lot of different CAD software, mostly for fabrication purpose. This means to work in 1:1 and mm. It's true that Rhino (i.e.) has a rendering engine built in (Cycles btw) but it's still not fully developed as a proper render software like Blender. So often i would model in Rhino and in true scale and import the stl or obj file in Blender. The biggest problem would always be to find the exact clamp scale when importing, and then scale the object to whatever dimension, just to behave correctly according to the light. A mess. Now that Rhino as a better management of the mesh, it's gonna be even more important to have a proper blender scene already setup to true scale.

Also, as a uni design tutor i often suggest Blender for all rendering stuff and having a familiar light setup is a very useful starting point for them.

ps: the layout of the default view is changed according to a more suitable navigation for design (at least this is what my students prefer)


  • Rogue profile picture


    Written July 31, 2020
  • DoWhileGeek profile picture

    In the compositor theres a node that is seemingly messing up the render. Are you using some plugin for this node?

    Written August 28, 2020
  • SuperMonkey profile picture

    Ehi, no i'm using just the built-in component denoise and color balance. For a better understanding of this part, however, i will suggest to take a look at the blender guru's video. It's basically the same rig!

    Written August 28, 2020
  • Nanoglyph profile picture

    If your render doesn't show, like DoWhileGeek experienced, either switch from Composite to View Layer on the render popup to revert to the uncomposited raw render or follow the steps below to fix the compositing nodes.

    To fix the compositing nodes connect Render Layers > Image (this is the raw render) to the unconnected Multiply > Image node. If AO is being multiplied on an unconnected Multiply > Image socket, it can't multiply on the render and the compositing results will only show an AO pass without applying it to the raw render.

    Written May 12, 2021
  • SuperMonkey profile picture

    Oh Thanks Nanoglyph! i really didn't thought it would behave like this (but like just letting the image go through).

    Thanks for the fix!

    Written May 13, 2021
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