Tesla cybertruck

  • June 11, 2020
  • Blender 2.8x
  • Render: Ciclos
  • Creator: carsdesign3d
  • License: CC-BY
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My name is Pau and I am 14 years old, I love to make 3d cars and I would like to dedicate myself to it, as you can see my models are totally free so you would help me a lot if you followed me on instagram in my account called carsdesign3d


  • gabrielrog profile picture

    thats asewome!!! I am 18 yrs old and I am working on my very first video game in unreal engine. I have all of the car models I need pretty much but I may use a few of yours in my video game if you'd let me. If I decide to I will definitely credit you in my game so yeah. here is what I have so far, in my game: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1dWfTe6QxTyauDqgGkHMJRr1-CZC-mDNeKSMA4ceSax4/edit?usp=sharing

    Written June 14, 2020
  • carsdesign3d profile picture

    your video game is amazing! Of course you can use it, it would be an honor for me!

    Written June 14, 2020