This is a sci-fi, node-like object. I have done some nice composting on it. The zip file includes a tileable texture I made, called "CyberCodePanel", which is used on the node. This texture could be used in a dizzying amount of applications. I think it would be especially useful for blender games, as a faraway detail texture or something.
The render above is not edited. Load up the .blend, hit F12, and that's what you'll see.
The "CyberTunnel" image in the zip is used in the scene. I got it off the internet, searching "matrix" and looking in images. It might be a scene copied from the movie, so I recommend not using this file commercially.
Have fun! Happy blending!
Thanks! Please show me how you're using it... I'm curious how others use it. :-)
u can usa lika a futuristic processor or ani gate... u can use like a files data to ... :)
Great Model!