Animated Clock (script)

  • March 06, 2011
  • Blender 2.4x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: Qwerty
  • License: CC-BY
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This script animates the clock by calculating the rotation of the hands with an initial time and a certain speed. You can set the initial time (the time shown at frame 1) using the properties of an Empty object.

If you think the clock is too slow or too fast you can change the speed in the script.

The script corrects automatically any impossible value, like:




  • breteman profile picture

    I liked the blend, unfortunately, I could not transcribe the ipo curves to apply to the game engine, as my knowledge of python is zero, I've done something similar with logic bricks, only one timer for the number of frames is limited to 3000000, to make a 12-hour clock would make an IPO for every hour, if I get some time I'll show you the result. I'm trying to make a game, it would be helpful to know people to program in python for the game engine, Greetings

    Edited March 06, 2011
  • Qwerty profile picture

    @ prof-2004 I have tried it also in Blender 2.56, but the API isn't the same. So the script can't work. Maybe i could adapt it to the 2.56 API, but I'm not a good programmer. (This is my first python script! Well, apart from "Hello world"!) I can try anyway.

    @ breteman Sorry, I can't help you. If you need simple scripts i could help you, but my python knowledge is very little. I suggest you to study the whole site "Tutorials for Blender 3D" It's very easy and helpful.

    Thanks for commenting! And sorry for my poor english... :-P Qwerty

    Written March 07, 2011
  • Qwerty profile picture

    If you speak spanish i suggest you to read also this: !Saludos desde Italia!

    Written March 08, 2011
  • breteman profile picture

    True, Fisicomolon is king

    Written March 08, 2011
  • Qwerty profile picture

    You can find some tutorials on YouTube, but generally they are made to explain a particular script, not to teach how to make scripts in general. The best way to learn how to program is: -Study others' scripts -Learn the python API -Make your own scripts I already suggested an english site: Sorry, but I don't know any russian tutorial. Maybe you can find something interesting by searching "Python for dummies" ... What do you mean with <>?

    Written March 21, 2011
  • Qwerty profile picture

    pardon, something went wrong. I rewrite.

    ...What do you mean with "There are a couple of their developments … And also the model of the dark spore"?

    Written March 21, 2011
  • gxfghfhfxh profile picture

    I found this post to be very helpful and informative. For those who are looking for further discussion on the matter, 먹튀검증순위 is a great resource to continue learning.

    Written January 02, 2025
  • sdgsdgds profile picture

    I found this post to be very helpful and informative. For those who are looking for further discussion on the matter, 먹튀검증순위 is a great resource to continue learning.

    Written January 02, 2025