Sintel Ultralite Staff Pick

  • March 09, 2011
  • Blender 2.5x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: hjmediastudios
  • License: CC-BY-SA
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I recently downloaded Ben Dansie's fantastic "Sintel Lite" model. While great, the model could certainly use several improvements. I made the necessary improvements, but the model was then too "heavy" for my computer to render quickly. And so Sintel Ultralite was born.

The model is rigged, textured, and skinned, with less than 400 verts. A baby Scales is included, but he's not rigged. Perhaps you could use these models to re-film Sintel on a machine from 1990; just make sure your ending makes sense. :)


  • DmitryJDS profile picture

    This is Sintel in minecraft.)

    Written March 09, 2011
  • hjmediastudios profile picture

    Sorry about the textures; I use the vector textures due to their increased flexibility and lack of blurring up close.

    Written March 09, 2011
  • hjmediastudios profile picture

    My advice is to unpack the textures into a folder, then just convert them into .png with Inkscape.

    Written March 09, 2011
  • hjmediastudios profile picture

    Thanks so much for your kind comments, everybody. I cannot tell you how much it means to me that the great Ben Dansie called me a "genius." Man! If this shows up on Blendernation, I'll keel over dead from happiness! I'm already halfway there...

    Edited March 10, 2011
  • gionavvi profile picture

    Hi! I made this with your model.... Hope you like it!

    Written March 14, 2011
  • oenvoyage profile picture

    Hey there! I used your model for some fun : recreating the shaman hut scene using sintel utrlalite : hope you like it.

    Written March 15, 2011
  • gionavvi profile picture

    We already have the shaman scene and my walk cycle... Let's rerender the whole film!

    Written March 16, 2011
  • hjmediastudios profile picture

    The whole film, nothing. I want that and a sequel. Maybe even a prequel.

    Written March 16, 2011
  • hjmediastudios profile picture

    I know, right? I feel so guilty right now. Colin Levy must be contemplating suicide right about now.

    Written March 17, 2011
  • November87 profile picture

    The model doesn't seem to be textured when I switch to textured mode. And when I select the mesh and move to edit mode, no UV unwrap appears. Is it supposed to be like that?

    Written March 31, 2012