Bat Particle System

  • September 22, 2020
  • Blender 2.9x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: Kberger123
  • License: CC-BY
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Following Ian Hubert's ["Lazy Moth Tutorial" ] ( I was inspired to create Low-Poly Bats which act the same way.

Included in file are:

  • Collection of Bat objects with flapping Shape Keys created
  • Emitter with properties of the Bat's flight pre-set for reference
    • Physics, Movement, Boid Brain, and Render contain all you need to understand it
  • Example Cube object for Boid Brain to "Follow the Leader"

Following his tutorial should answer any questions you might have.

TLDR; Import Bat collection and emitter, set whatever object you want them to orbit in the Boid Brain.


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