This is another Low Poly contribution!!
Is a "modern" soldier ready to kill some persons or a zombie
like this one: http://www.blendswap.com/3D-models/characters/low-poly-zombie-rigged/
the perfect couple <3 jejejej
Is fully rigged but still miss the FK control :/
I hope you enjoy it
Greetings from: http://proyectoinimat.webege.com/en/
PD: this is my initial concept: Link
hea!! thanks
I try my best because everybody need a soldier jajaja ;)
Greetings and enjoy it
Danniboy: Thanks a lot! Now I have motivation for sure >:)
A Guy: That sounds me a bit familiar... wich version of Blender are you using? Whatever, I will update (ok no... back-update) this model to the version 2.49, because many people still use it D:
A Guy: mmm... FPS maybe this model can be useful for you too. (for learning purposes because is 2.5 version)
Bob: I have the curiosity of know what was he said :) but... --This comment was moderated. No harsh comments-- sounds like something bad jejeje :S
PD: when I finish a hard work in my real life, I will begin the back-update for sure ;)
yo, nice model i downloaded this and it is totaly amazing... i just had one problem, well i dont know how to rig and i am terrible at modeling so i thought i'd find a good soldier to use to make an FPS game (giving the modeler credit of course) but i found that the camera is the wrong shape and i don't know how to fix it... could you show me, tell me or even let me download one with a good camera.
Thank you in advance... baieeeey
Sorry for the late mate! :S
I don't saw this message, well let me see... exactly, what do you want?
The .blend file doesn't has a camera (thats the problem?) well just tell me and I will put my hand on it for sure ;)
I really appreciate that kind of comments :) are the reason to keep going and do my best.
Greetings and enjoy it
Can me and my friends use this is a film that were making? If so then we will give you full credit. We would also like to use the low poly fighter pilot that you put up. Please answer back soon, thanks.
Well thanks for the appreciation :') I made this model to use in whatever project!, so you can full enjoy it without restrictions.
I admit that It feel really nice be taken in consideration for these things jejeje ya really want to know more about your project soon.
@Blendermanster998, there's no need to ask for permission, blends on the site are to be used for whatever you like.
I't also very cool from you to want to give credit, go for it.
Man thanks for that declaration, that is the full true of all this work ;)
although for me is very nice hear about projects and that kind of stuff.
Well I really just use the old ManCandy DVD and saw all the video-tutorials from BlenderCookie (rigging section)
Keep working hard and you will break the knowledge wall whit these things (trust me ;) )
Thanks man I did my best effort to achieve the rigg in this Low Model jejeje with few vertices the deformations aren't so nice to fix.
Well a time ago I did this toon texture for him: http://morevnaproject.org/2012/03/11/soldier-model/
But I think you will apreciate a bit more realism in his body ;)
So I will texture him one day ( I WANT IT T_T)
I have looked all over the web for a rig like this. You just made my day.
See persons downloading him make me feel that all the time I spend in this work was for a good reason ;)
Greetings and enjoy it
Thanks for a great model. I really like it. I have a few questions if you don't mind. I don't know blender very well as I am a programmer and I'm working on small game now. I wanted to use this model but when I open it in blender the ui becomes completely unfamiliar to me. So I've opened it with load ui unchecked. And there comes the problem - when I click on anything in the outliner the mesh turns into something that reasemble your zombie model and I can't find a way to revert it. And I would also like to apply some textures (first need to learn how to do this) but I can't find a way to select the mesh - it selects the bones all the time. I would appreciate any suggestions what should I do. Thanks.
Man I know how is open Blender for first time (is like a control panel of a spaceship jejeje )
But to familiarisation with its UI I recommend you view and study the Bleder's Basics in Blender Cookie.
If you want to manipulate his body (like a doll), just select his armature and (if you are in Object mode press TAB) and now you can use the master buttons S, G, R to Scale, Grab and Rotate.
I'm a programmer too so I know it is complicated to see a patron in the artist world :/
thanks to you too ;) Man just to comment something like this is great to a modeler to level up his happiness jejeje
Thanks I download a big mass of references from Google to achieve that marine look in the model :D
Well I see this is my "famous" model :) , OMG it has now 3419 downloads O_o
Greetings and enjoy it
The rigging on this beauty is amazing! do you have any tutorials that you used to learn this level of rigging that you could link to? I can do basic rigging just to get a good pose for my renders but nothing as versatile as this :)
Great Rig, but there is one problem. Not everyone speaks Spanish. We all speak different languages, but you should remember that English is kinda of the bridge language around the world so to speak. Can you please post your blends in English. I mean the bones names, animation names, etc. No idea what any of it means.
Oh nice! The model is perfect, but the rig is awsome! So many Details... Great work.
I found this post to be very helpful and informative. For those who are looking for further discussion on the matter, 먹튀사이트검증 is a great resource to continue learning.
Awesome model, great rigging!