Sofa Array Modern

  • November 23, 2020
  • Blender 2.9x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: LauroVictorDesign
  • License: CC-0
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Hey there,

This sofa set was made in one of my series FSM "form follow modifiers". In this particular case, it was made using array modifier as key concept.

The set is compost with a arm chair and two couches with two and three places to sit. They are made in blender 2.90 using metric system in millimeters. The Shader's was made using textures from "cc0textures". Everything is named in portuguese BR to easily append or link.

It licenced under CC0, feel free to use in your artworks, personal or commercial. Let me know the results of your work using these models tagging me on instagram #laurovictordesign or follow-me @laurovictordesign to see new projects coming.

Thanks for downloading! LauroVictorDesign

Another last tip: Let's grow up our Blender community! If you use free assets like this, make other assets and make them available free for the community.

Verts: 218.956 Faces: 217.956
