Just a dice with 6 faces.
What maybe makes it better than other ones is that this model is
very clean modeled
without subsurf applied (so you can easily make a lowpoly model with normalmaps etc. of it)
The image above is the model, rendered with LuxRender.
The model itself is untextured.
Very nice render. I was just saying it might have looked better in you render. Very good and simple model.
how did you allow the light to pass through the dice slightly (looks amazing by the ways! :D )
That's the so-called SSS effect (subsurface scattering). You can use it in LuxRender via the homogenous medium: http://www.luxrender.net/wiki/Frequently_Asked_Questions#Is_there_SSS_.28Subsurface_Scattering.29_support_in_LuxRender.3F
Sorry, another question, but how do i get to the homogenous medium (i looked it up but couldn't find anything)
Go to the world tab, add a new medium (plus button) and set it from "clear" to homogenous. For SSS crank the scattering scale up to, say, 100. Then select your model, give it a material that lets light through (like glass or glossytranslucent, for example) and set it's internal medium to your SSS medium.
If you encounter further problems please consider asking in the LuxRender user support forum, I'll be there ;)
Awesome render, the SSS looks great. I didn't look at the blend file but the model seems also great by the image.
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How long did the render take?