
  • January 16, 2021
  • Blender 2.9x
  • Render: EEVEE
  • Creator: RabidTribble
  • License: CC-BY-NC-SA
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Here's my character rig, Coolio! He's meant to serve as a simple, versatile character for both acting and body mechanics. If there's one thing Blender animators and animation students have been lacking, it's a good multipurpose rig that hasn't been used in an official Blender film or animated short. As great as Sintel and Rain are, they always stand out to the viewer or feel like "cheating" when you use them. So Coolio is as doughy and generic as he can possibly be while maintaining a cute cartoonish aesthetic.

He's free to download, use, and modify. I only ask you to credit me for it in any works you include it in. I'm so excited to hear feedback from users, as this is the first rig I've shared online!

His base mesh was bought from CGTrader :

I'm planning to add more to him, such as clothes and accessories in future updates.



  • hgmiv profile picture

    I was just thinking about practicing posing or animation today, and Coolio provides a perfect opportunity. Thanks!

    Written January 23, 2021
  • RabidTribble profile picture

    That's wonderful to hear! Thanks!

    Written January 28, 2021
  • A G H profile picture
    A G H

    good job bro

    Written April 10, 2021
  • Rony profile picture

    I really appreciate

    Written June 13, 2021
  • tytu profile picture

    Your rigs are amazing... can you make more, love your stuff

    Written June 14, 2021
  • anxo profile picture

    Es tan complicado, tiene tantos cosas y hace tantas cosas, que tecnicamente sera perfecto pero en la practica es un toston Donde van aquellos personajes que con cuatro huesos haciamos todo, lo importante es la historia que deseamos contar no si la posicion en la corresta o no Pero sin duda es un gran trabajo Gracias

    Written November 02, 2021
  • RabidTribble profile picture

    (traductor de google) ¡Me alegra que te haya gustado! Definitivamente no es tan bueno como podría ser, por eso hice otra versión mejor. Compruébelo en mi perfil cuando haga clic en "ver mezclas" y verá Coolio 2.0 que en realidad acabo de actualizar. ¡Espero eso ayude!

    Written November 04, 2021
  • estool profile picture

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    Written September 30, 2024