Fast Food Containers

  • January 21, 2021
  • Blender 2.9x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: Simon_M
  • License: CC-0
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Some pretty generic fast food containers. They look nice as props.


  • koploper77 profile picture

    Perfect thanks

    Written March 06, 2021
  • jhui profile picture

    The primary benefits of the Dutch Bros menu is its vast variety and customization options. From classic coffee drinks like lattes and mochas to innovative specialty beverages like the "Annihilator" or the "Golden Eagle," there's something for everyone. Whether you prefer your coffee hot, iced, or blended, Dutch Bros has you covered. Additionally, customers can customize their drinks with different milk options, including dairy-free alternatives like almond by Dutch Bros Menu With Prices, oat, and coconut milk, as well as a plethora of syrups and flavors. This level of customization ensures that every drink is tailored to the customer’s exact taste, making the experience highly personalized.

    Written August 23, 2024