Six or so use cases of smaller single geometry nodes concepts. Thanks to HDRI Haven, I think there's an HDRI packed in here from them. Blender 2.93 required currently.
Grid objects: the monkey fills with cubes on a snapped grid. Adjust the grid size with the value node.
Mask by height: the hemisphere hat will clip geometry based on the B value in Attribute Compare.
Geometry proximity: the cones populating the ring shrink base on proximity to the cube. It scales by geometry, NOT volume, so it's hacked to have internal cube geometry
Random cones align: they all kinda point toward the mesh's bounding box center
Separate by Texture: a bitmap path clears out points, and the remaining points are separated into grass vs. flowers using a voronoi texture.
Texture to height: the points' Z height is driven by the same voronoi texture
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