Falcon T25 Tissue Culture Flask

  • March 04, 2021
  • Blender 2.9x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: Supper800
  • License: CC-BY
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Falcon T25 Tissue Culture Flask used in cell culture. Cells are plated onto the bottom layer, where liquid media is pipetted on top of the cells to feed them. The media is then aspirated and replaced as needed.

I figured I work with them all day, I might as well try to model it.

All textures are from https://3dtextures.me/ (I think I just used the brushed metal in this one).


  • Lynxette79 profile picture

    From the proportions, it looks more like T75 to me, and the cap height is slightly longer than that of BioLite or Corning, but overall it's a good model and useful. Thanks. There is a shortage of science stuff (glassware, plasticware) here anyway.

    Written March 22, 2021