Studio Camera Staff Pick

  • April 30, 2011
  • Blender 2.5x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: markharrell
  • License: CC-0
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I built this camera to use in a clients project. I wanted to share it with you now. You can change the text on the camera by clicking on it and tab into edit mode then just type what you like. Also, if you click on the main body of the camera everything is parented to it. Then you can move the model around.


  • johnnydwicked profile picture

    Very nice.

    Written April 30, 2011
  • nikitron profile picture

    i don't understand what you did with adobe premiere. camera super

    Written May 01, 2011
  • markharrell profile picture

    Premiere Pro was used for the whole project. If you watched the YouTube clip that was just the first part of the project. We actually did cuts to different camera (ex. camera A to camera B). I rendered out the different shots and put it all together in PPro with audio and music.

    The project is built so that you can add any green screen talent to the set and image/video to the TV. You just render out your blender animation then take the camera tracking script and place that in to AE. Once in AE you add your talent and images to the place holders.

    Edited May 01, 2011
  • markharrell profile picture

    So so sorry for the late response. I have not been on blendswap in awhile. She is just on a flat plane. No cranes where used for this film.

    Written June 11, 2012
  • starsmith profile picture


    Written May 10, 2013
  • letthewriterswrite profile picture

    Wow, I'm trying to do exactly this here. How did you add talent reflections? Did you just fake it in AE?

    Written January 13, 2015
  • billyroberts profile picture

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