"Crunch" Bandicoot. Fan Art

  • August 28, 2021
  • Blender 2.9x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: Andxyz
  • License: CC-BY
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forget seeing your friends and family ever again, here comes Crunch Bandicoot!! (Just a bit of fun).

I kept to the spirit of the original Crash game with bold simple shapes and a bright toon style texture map. I put a simple rig in him, but I am not a rigger, so if you want to rip that out and make your own one, no one would blame you.

use him in your own fan game or what have you, just give me credit. send me a link if you ever use him, i'd love to see what you made

  • I was just making a very clever joke about abusive work place practices in the games industry, (cough NaughtyDog cough) but apparently there really is a Crunch Bandicoot. Who knew? Obviously this isn't him. Crash. I made a model of Crash.


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