The "SkyB 100" is "SkyTech Robotics"'s best-selling welding robot.
Designed 2052 by "SkyTech robotics" it quickly became the industry standard
for welding together spacecraft, large scale sci-fi gates, and clone tubes.
It's main advantages compared to its competitors are
-its timeless and unique sci-fi design
-its included industry common welding guns
-its ability to be mounted on the ground, on walls, on ceilings, and moving
-its easy to use robot teach pendands which can be downloaded seperately
"SkyB 100" Instruction manual:
-to "plug-in" the welding guns, move them in Z and X to connection point and
parent them to the "welding gun bone"
-the rig ist (still) FK, as it gives me most control (IK/Locked track work also)
-use your greebles to add more detail, esp. add cables to the welding guns
-low-poly robot parts to bake normals maps to are included
-when using the remote laser welding gun take "remote" literally and
do not touch the gun with your metal
Thanks for your kinds comments. The rig is from my point old-fashioned and outdated, there are much animator friendly possibilities I am current working on. Check for updated version of my blends to find new industrial robot rigs.
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very coooooool model and very professional rig , keep up the good work