A variety of U.S. electrical outlets and switches. These are from an early render of a room that I had made with 2.49, so that's why the cable outlet's nipple threads suck so bad. This version has several changes made to it compared to the first.
I do a lot of interior house scenes with Blender. This is very useful. Thanks!
I love these, but when I try and bake shadows on them, it looks like the original unwrapped 'uv' is stuck over the image. This is after unwrapping and 'baking' http://gyazo.com/0d4ad837cfea8098f9a9aa93f152064c and http://gyazo.com/1a872045e99f99c3c9b6e6bc887192ca
Am I missing something in my process? Edit mode -> Select all -> Unwrap-> new image -> bake. Or is there something I'm not seeing in the mesh that isn't allowing me to bake?
Wonderful bar that little issue >.
Thanks a lot for these! They look great